In the journey to succeed in business, the role of a leader holds immense significance. They need to inspire their team and solve issues. This book of “Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire” and “Find Your Why: A Practical Guide for Discovering Purpose for You and Your Team” are useful guides for you as a company leader aiming to improve your leadership and enhance your company.

Start With Why and Find Your Why by Simon Sinek 

“Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire” by Simon Sinek delves into the notion of the “Golden Circle,” uncovering the reasons behind the greater success and impact of certain leaders and groups compared to others. This concept emphasizes the importance of understanding the fundamental “Why” behind actions and endeavors and start with “Why.”

Read More: Start With Why Book | Simon Sinek – Simon Sinek

Based on the book, 100% organizations know “What” they do, some know “How” they do it, but very few know “Why” they do it, and how to communicate it. The “Why” refers to belief, “How” means action or process, and “What” refers to product or result.

Sinek’s sequel, “Find Your Why: A Practical Guide for Discovering Purpose for You and Your Team,” builds upon this idea by guiding individuals or leaders to identify their own personal “Why” and integrate it into their life’s and business. This process of self-discovery enables individuals to align their actions with their intrinsic motivations, ultimately fostering a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment, and find the “Why.”

Read More: Find Your WHY Book | Go Beyond Reading – Simon Sinek

Common problems in organization 

Leaders often face a range of challenges while striving to achieve their objectives. In “Start With Why” and “Find Your Why” by Simon Sinek, there identified 6 common problems in organization:

1. Lack of Clarity in Purpose

Many individuals and organizations grapple with the challenge of articulating a clear and meaningful purpose, often resulting in a focus solely on superficial goals like financial gain. This absence of a profound “why” leaves them without a driving force for their actions and decisions.

2. Difficulty in Differentiation

In a crowded market, it’s challenging for businesses to stand out when their competitors offer similar products or services.

3. Ineffective Communication

When individuals or organizations struggle to communicate their purpose, messages become bland, unmemorable, and less likely to resonate with their intended audience.

4. Short-Term Focus

Some companies prioritize short-term gains and quick fixes over long-term success and sustainability.

5. Lack of Loyalty and Engagement

Customers often switch brands without hesitation because they don’t have a strong emotional connection to the companies they buy from.

6. Leadership Challenges and Lack of Alignment

Leaders who lack a clear sense of purpose face difficulty inspiring and guiding their teams, leading to disengagement and alignment issues within the organization.

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Benefits/Key takeaways from these books

Based on the different issues mentioned earlier, this book of “Start With Why” and “Find Your Why” by Simon Sinek present a number of ideas that could be useful for your business. These ideas including:

1. Clarity in Purpose through the Golden Circle

In “Start With Why,” he introduces the Golden Circle model, comprising three concentric circles: “Why,” “How,” and “What.” Sinek advocates that successful entities prioritize their core “Why” as a guiding principle, shaping their choices and strategies. 

Building on this concept, “Find Your Why” offers a solution by aiding individuals in uncovering their own personal “Why” and integrating it into their lives.

Figure 1. The Golden Circle

2. Unique Value Proposition (Differentiation)

In “Start with Why” and “Find Your Why” by Simon Sinek, the benefit of the “Unique Value Proposition” concept addresses how businesses can stand out in a crowded market by offering something distinct and compelling to customers. This sets them apart from competitors and fosters customer loyalty.

3. Inspiring stories and clarity of communication

In “Start with Why” and “Find Your Why,” inspiring stories are emphasized. Sharing narratives that highlight a company’s purpose creates emotional connections, engaging people on a personal level and fostering loyalty. 

These stories drive action, shape culture, and deeply resonate with employees, customers, and stakeholders.

4. Long-Term Vision

In Simon Sinek’s “Start with Why” and “Find Your Why,” the benefit of a long-term vision is emphasized. By embracing a clear purpose, organizations can shape a lasting direction for decision-making, fostering consistency, adaptability, and impactful outcomes over time.

5. Inspiring Loyalty

In “Start with Why” and “Find Your Why” by Simon Sinek, the benefit of inspiring loyalty is emphasized. When organizations communicate their purpose effectively, they foster deep emotional connections with stakeholders, leading to greater commitment and long-term support.

6. Inspirational Leadership and Collaborative Alignment

The solution of “Inspirational Leadership with Shared Purpose” addresses both problems. Leaders who embody a clear “why” can inspire and motivate teams, fostering a sense of purpose that unifies the organization.

When employees understand and believe in the company’s purpose, they are more likely to work cohesively towards shared goals.

Case studies 

According to “Start With Why” and “Find Your Why” by Simon Sinek, here are some case studies that highlight companies proficient in implementing the “why” of concept to support their achievements:

Case study 1: Apple Inc

Apple Inc., under Steve Jobs’ leadership, exemplifies the power of the start with “why.” Their central purpose was to challenge convention and think differently, which manifested in innovative, user-friendly products. This approach resulted in groundbreaking products like the iPod, iPhone, and MacBook, revolutionizing industries and resonating with consumers.

Apple Inc.
Source:, Apple Inc.

1. The “Why”

  • Before: Companies without a clear “why” might emphasize products and services without communicating their deeper purpose, leading to a lack of distinct identity.
  • After: Under Steve Jobs, Apple’s transformation embraced a powerful “why.” They aimed to challenge norms, innovate, and empower individuals. This purpose was conveyed through the “Think Different” campaign and user-centric, beautifully designed technology.

2. The “How”

  • Before: Companies not rooted in their “why” might focus on technical aspects rather than emotional connections in their production processes.
  • After: Apple’s “how” was shaped by elegant design, user-friendly interfaces, and seamless tech integration. Their products were advanced yet aesthetically pleasing and easy to use. Design-focused thinking sets them apart, emphasizing not just technology, but user experience.

3. The “What”

  • Before: Pre-“why,” companies might emphasize technical features over broader context in marketing.
  • After: Apple’s “what” was the outcome of their “why” and “how.” Products like iPod, iPhone, MacBook weren’t just gadgets, but tools that redefined tech interaction. These products symbolized creativity, empowerment, aligning perfectly with their core values.

Case study 2: Walt Disney

Disney’s founder, Walt Disney, had a clear vision of creating magical experiences that would entertain and inspire people of all ages. This long-term vision guided the company’s decisions, from creating beloved animated classics to building theme parks around the world. By staying true to their “why,” Disney has maintained its impact and relevance for decades. 

1. The “Why”

  • Before: Companies lacking a clear “why” might emphasize products without articulating a deeper purpose.
  • After: Walt Disney’s “why” was to create magical experiences that inspire across generations. This purpose, driven by Walt Disney’s vision, connected emotionally, transcending entertainment to inspire happiness and imagination.

2. The “How”

  • Before: Unaligned companies might focus on mechanics without a connection to purpose.
  • After: Disney’s “how” prioritized storytelling excellence, detail, and immersive experiences. Innovation in animation and theme parks created resonating and emotionally rich encounters.

3. The “What”

  • Before: Pre-“why,” focus might be on specifics without a unifying narrative.
  • After: Disney’s “what” spanned movies, characters, and theme parks. These embodied their commitment, extending beyond entertainment to create magical, heartwarming experiences.

Case study 3: TOMS

TOMS Shoes started with a strong “why” – to make a positive impact on the world. For every pair of shoes sold, they promised to donate a pair to a child in need. This unique value proposition connected with customers who wanted to contribute to a meaningful cause through their purchases. By aligning their business with their purpose, TOMS Shoes established a distinct identity in the competitive shoe market.

1. The “Why”

  • Before: Companies pre-“why” focus on profits, lacking deeper customer connection.
  • After: TOMS Shoes’ powerful “why” was to impact lives through a “One for One” approach — a pair sold, a pair donated. This resonated emotionally, engaging consumers to contribute to meaningful change through purchases. TOMS stood for quality footwear and social responsibility.

2. The “How”

  • Before: Unaligned companies stress features over purpose.
  • After: TOMS’ unique “how” adopted a giving model, guiding design, supply chain, and partnerships. Comfortable shoes aligned with recipients’ needs. Mission and operations fusion set them apart.

3. The “What”

  • Before: Weak “why” companies might overlook broader impact.
  • After: TOMS’ “what,” footwear, embodied their mission. Shoes became symbols of conscious consumerism and giving. Value proposition attracted customers joining a positive movement.

Step-by-step recommendation to find your WHY

Based on “Start With Why” and “Find Your Why” by Simon Sinek, to discover your organizational “Why”, you need to follow some steps. Here are the steps:

  1. Understand the Core Concept

To find your why, begin by grasping the essence of the Golden Circle and its emphasis on commencing with “Why.” Recognize that your “Why” transcends financial gains and external achievements; it’s rooted in the profound motivations behind your actions.

  1. Reflect on Experiences

To find your why, revisit your life’s journey, both personal and professional. Identify instances when you experienced deep fulfillment, satisfaction, or purpose. These moments unveil clues about your core values and passions.

  1. Identify contributions 

To find your why, contemplate the positive impacts you’ve made on others’ lives, irrespective of their scale. Consider the qualities that others admire in you and the value you bring to relationships and endeavors.

  1. Gather External Insights

To find your why, seek input from friends, family, colleagues, and mentors. Inquire about the strengths and attributes they associate with you. Their perspectives provide an external lens on your distinctive qualities.

  1. Define Your Values

To find your why, crystalize your personal values – the principles shaping your choices. Ensure alignment between your “Why” and these values. Explore what truly matters to you and the convictions you stand for.

  1. Craft a Draft Why Statement

To find your why, leverage insights from reflection and external feedback to compose a preliminary version of your “Why” statement. Make it succinct, inspirational, and centered on the impact you aspire to create in others’ lives.

Figure 2. How to make a “Why” statement.
  1. Test, Refine, and Finalize

Share your draft “Why” statement with those who provided input earlier. Absorb their reactions and suggestions. Use their insights to hone your statement, ensuring it genuinely captures your essence. Through iterations, finalize a concise, authentic, and emotionally resonant “Why” statement.

  1. Commit to Living Your Why

Once your “Why” is defined, pledge to infuse it into your daily life. Let your actions, decisions, and interactions be guided by your purpose, cultivating a profound sense of intention and fulfillment.

  1. Communicate Your Why

Share your purpose with others. By revealing your journey, you beckon kindred spirits to join you and attract those who resonate with your values and vision.

  1. Challenge the Status Quo

Embrace your “Why” as a catalyst for challenging conventional thinking and pushing boundaries. Infuse innovation and progress into your actions, driven by a desire to effect positive change.

  1. Cultivate Consistency

Sustain consistency in your actions and messaging over time. Allow your “Why” to remain unwavering, even as circumstances evolve. This consistency builds trust and credibility.

  1. Inspire and Lead

Lead with your “Why” to inspire others to rally behind your cause. Your purpose-driven approach draws people, forging stronger relationships and a more engaged community.

  1. Foster a Culture of Purpose

If leading a team or organization, encourage everyone to embrace the shared “Why.” Cultivate an environment where each individual feels connected to the overarching purpose, boosting satisfaction and productivity.

  1. Live Authentically

Embed your “Why” in every facet of your existence. Align your choices and actions with your purpose, cultivating a life rich with meaning and authenticity.

  1. Share Your Vision

Extend your “Why” to others, inviting them to partake in your journey. In sharing your purpose, you attract those who share your values and aspirations, multiplying the impact of your mission.

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